Issy Butson

Issy Butson

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Issy Butson

I Went To School And I Turned Out Fine

People tell us we’re overthinking life by choosing to home educate. That they have fond memories of their school years, and so do all their friends. They’ve turned out fine, and so will our children. We’re just complicating things. Of all the arguments against home education I...

Issy Butson

Does Homeschooling Shelter Children?

They say that homeschooling shelters children. That it creates a view of the world that is narrow and insular. They say that homeschooling isolates children. That it takes away their opportunity to interact with other people and places. They say that a homeschooled child isn’t living in the real...

Issy Butson

Stop Being So Busy

Being busy has become a badge of honour, but it’s nothing short of an epidemic. We need to slow down now while it’s not too late.

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