
Helloooo and welcome to the Life Without School podcast, where I help you and your children live the life you want to, not just the one you’re told you should.

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Issy Butson

Episode 4: Designing Your Life Without School

In this week’s episode I want to talk about how a good home education lifestyle doesn’t just happen…it needs to be designed. Because it’s one thing to decide that a life without school is the right thing for your family, and the path you’re going...

Issy Butson

Episode 3: Busting The Two Biggest Homeschooling Myths

For this episode I want to dig into two of the biggest misconceptions about home education that I, personally, have experienced over the years that I’ve been an unschooling dad. Despite it being a rapidly growing form of education, especially over the past year or two, homeschooling (or unschooling,...

Issy Butson

Episode 2: How We Became A Home Educating Family

The very, very squiggly story of how we became a home educating family, including: * How we ended up at financial rock-bottom as 30 year olds (with two young children). * How despite that we’ve made it possible to always have at least one of us not working and at home...

Issy Butson

Episode 1 (Prologue): Introducing Life Without School

In this very first episode of the Life Without School podcast, I’m talking about why it even needs to exist. Why I’m so passionate about shining a light on life paths for children that don’t involve the normal school thing. Why there are millions of children around...

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